Thursday, May 5, 2011

Q&A: Can we match navy blue socks with brown shoes?

More than once, I've been in a debate about wearing navy blue socks with brown shoes...  I concede defeat when I know it's a losing battle, but I try my best to press on what I think the right answer is.  And so the perfect opportunity to get the right answer from the expert came along, when I attended the 4th Image Forum, organized by the AICI Philippine Chapter. 

Photo from

Mr. Bill Daland, Modern Sartorialist and classic men's wear enthusiast spoke earlier about the essence of men's business wear.  He talked about the history of men's business wear (e.g., modern men's suit takes its inspiration from military clothing of the 1800s), the elements of men's business wear, faux pas in men's professional appearance.  Aside from being an informative talk, we learned so much about the background of men's business clothing too.

And so, during the open forum, I finally asked: "Bill, is it really okay to wear navy blue socks with brown shoes?"

The answer? 

Yes, you may wear navy blue socks with brown shoes, as long as the brown shade of the shoe is a deep shade of brown.  A lighter shade of brown like tan may not be best worn with blue socks, navy or not.  And the navy shade of blue, must be deep, for it to be worn appropriately with the deep brown shoes.

In all the debates, after months (and possibly years) of defending my answer, ultimately this has proven that I was right (what a relief!).  Just ask the expert.

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