Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Five Great Skin Care Secrets!

Five Great skin care secrets

The skin is such an important part of one’s appearance.  It can affect a person’s confidence, first impression, overall physical looks and sometimes even one’s likability towards others.  So let me share with you some skin care secrets and well known knowledge about how to take care or improve your skin.

1.     To maintain good skin, one needs to follow a certain regimen: cleanse, tone, moisturize and sun protection.  Any products in the market will do, as long as you don’t any allergic reaction to it.  Unless you are blessed with naturally, gorgeous skin, this tip has no other exceptions.

2.       For pimple problems, choose a cleanser for oily skin.  Any facial soap that promises to prevent acne soap would do the job.  Some examples are lemon soap, tea tree soap, or a facial foam wash.  I like using products from Neutrogena or Clinique, which are not very harsh or drying on the skin.

3.       To solve break-outs, use a toner that would help dry up the pimples or infected pores.  Your dermatologist may recommend the use of clindamycin once or twice a day, depending on your usage.  I used to maintain my skin with an erythromycin (from my dermatologist) but after I had a baby, I had a bad skin break-out.  I shifted to using my mom’s clindamycin, and the pimples went away within a week!  I am telling you, this is a really good tip for break-outs.  Now, I’m back to erythromycin (as my toner) and so far, no break-outs!

4.       Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!  In a conversation I once had with a well-known skin and aesthetic doctor, she shared with me that the secret to having younger, looking skin is to moisturize as early as you can.  18 years old is not too early, so get out there and choose your moisturizer.  Even the best face lift can’t beat the effects of years of moisturizing.  So start now!

5.       To exfoliate your skin, I learned from a skin care teacher from Canada that oats plus water plus a little bit of sugar will help smoothen the texture of your skin.  I’ve tried this a few times, it does feel smoother and my skin looks a little lighter even.  I recommend having this done weekly.

These are tips that I have tried, tested and succeeded with when it comes to taking care of my own skin.  Of course, visiting your dermatologist won’t hurt and may even prove to be beneficial (facial, anyone?).  Remember, your skin is part of your professional look.  So start applying these secrets to yourself and share these great tips with your friends too!

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